Retourner à la fiche de: Hugh Lalonde

Inhumé au White Church Cemetary, Lisbon, Cté St Lawrence, NY

.He established a life-lease on an island in the St Lawrence River adjacent to Red Mills, NY and across the river from Point Cardinal, ON in 1843. The deed was recorded in 1855. He pastured sheep and cattle on the island and it became known as LaLone (Lalonde) Island. the island disappeared when it was combined with several other islands during the construction of the St Lawrence Seaway.

In 1868, he deeded the Northeast half of the island to Hugh Lalone, jr, and the southwest half of the island to his second son, John LaLone. He had previously conveyed the land, in part, to Joseph and Samuel Smithers. The LaLones and the Smithers jointly operated a grist mill, a sawmill and a shingle factory on the island, a man names James O'Neil was also a partner.

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