Retourner à la fiche de: Florida Cuillerier
Florida Cuillerier passed on at the age of 90 years of age . She had a brother by the name of Valmore (Vic) he married GLORIA MARIE ELMIRE BREAU (MENA) reserch on Vic.In this picture is my great aunt Irene Desjardins nee cuillerier her husband Hector Desjardins just behind her hard to see but he is there .
((((Florida Cuillerier was 17 and William Drisdelle 28 when married. This info and the date of there marriage and the date of Florida Cuillerier birth Date came from Bernadette Perron Cuillerier )))). NORMAN CUILLERIER
Info from Therese Drisdale input N cuillerier