Biographie Fraser Barbara

Biographie Fraser Barbara

[John married Catherine Morrison, daughter of Hector Morrison, a loyalist who moved to the same region in 1784 to a town called New Carlisle.]

The following is extracted from material received from Yvan Goulet a direct descendant of Alexander, son of Barbara Morrison.

"Barbara , 1st. married to Hector Morrison, Loyalist, whose farm - according to Burleigh's list of confiscated lands - was at Kortright's Patent, Tryon County, State of New York and was confiscated in 1783.

In Return of Royalists & their families, dated 05 Sept. 1779 at Machiche Camp, Mrs. Morrison is listed as having three children with her.

On March 25,1781 she is referred to as a "poor widow" - 4 children, 2 under age 6 and 2 above.In one document concerning refugees, Barbara is reported as having been born in Scotland, her name appears among those of other women who came from New York, Pennsylvania, England, Ireland... She is unattached to any military unit.

Then we find that Barbara was married to a Donald Fraser and in 1784, Barbara (Barbary) married Duncan McCraw (McCrawd) (McKra) in the Anglican Church, Three Rivers and settled at St.Cuthbert as a farmer, which was near Machiche (Yamachiche).

Duncan McCraw died 10 June,1803 and in his Will he gives the names of his wife's four children borne from Hector Morrison and then the names of his own nine children"

Hector Jr, Alexander, Barbara, Marianne are believed to be Barbara & Hector Morrison's children. Alexander m: Julia Revour (Yvan's ancestors).

Names of the other children (by Duncan McCRaw) are - Mary b: 16 June 1785, Ann b: 05 July 1786, Isabella b: 25 July,1787,Twins: Donald & Jennet b: 27 Aug. 1789, Duncan Jr. b: 17 July,1791, Alexander 19 Jan. 1793, Sarah b: 01 Feb. 1795 and Elizabeth b: 31 May, 1798.

[Unless a middle name, perhaps Catherine was from a different family?]

...Bev Loomis UE, Little Forks Branch

Happy Hunting,

Source :,45412.290.html
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