Biographie McGregor Charles

Biographie McGregor Charles

    Before the undersigned parish priest of Saint Pierre de Malbaie, acting in default of notary public, and the two witnesses undersigned, as by law provided:

    Came and appeared Charles McGregor, farmer, of the parish of Saint Pierre de Malbaie, who, being in full possession of his mind and understanding, has requested us to make his will as follows:

 1. As a christian and catholic i most humbly beg pardon of God through the infinite merits of my savior Jesus Christ for  all the sins i have committed in my life.

 2. I want all my debts to be paid and all my wrongs to be repaired, if any.

 3. I give to my son Charles McGregor all the land i possess, at the time of my death, with the actual house and other buildings erected.

 4. I give to my wife Martha Garrett my horse and my cow for the use of the family.

 5. I give my boat and my fishing gear to my family.

 6. My son Charles McGregor shall keep and provide for the necessities of the family as long as they will remain and live with him, and his youngest brothers James and Allan shall help him for the maintainance of the family.

    Done and passed at Barachois de Malbaie this thirtieth day of january in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at four o'clock of the afternoon.

    The said Charles McGregor, testator, has affixed his signature with his mark of a cross before us and the two witnesses who have declared themselves unable to sign their names and have also hereto affixed their mark of a cross the day aforesaid, after this deed being read twice in their presence.

John Hugh Cassidy and Pierre William Réhel, witnesses

Rev. F.C.Najotte, p.p.

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