Biographie Gadelli Antoine

Biographie Gadelli Antoine

Cimetière Ste Pierre, Wickham, Comté Drummond, PQ
Antoiny "Martin" Gadely
m. Marie-Sophie Brousseau Jan 15 1821 (she lived until Nov 06 1884 and has no stone here).
He d. Wickham township, PQ, Canada Jan 15 1835, buried 2 days later and the grave-side service was held 2 weeks later [per parish records]
Marie m.2nd Gregorie Valley (Memorial #126146630)

Per muster rolls for the Swiss Regiments in Napoleon's Army at the "Service Historique de l'Armee de Terre (Shat)" in Paris, France (Registre matricule du 4e Suisse, Vol.23 Yc 178, p.70), found:
"Benedict Antoine Cadieli, soldier #3391, 4th Swiss Regiment, son of Jean Martin et de Catherine Cadieli; b. Oct 10 1788 in Sagen, Grison township, Switzerland: gray eyes, brown hairs; enrolled himself Mar 03 1808 in the 2nd Battalion; name of first son: John Martin; served with Napoleon's army in Spain July 1810" [Feb 26 2005 email from Roger&Darlene Gadley ]
The Swiss regiment of Meuron [mc] was raised in the German speaking Neuchâtel, Switzerland, under French sponsorship, for service in Ceylon in 1781 [when Antoine was a babe]. It was comprised of 100% protestant and 2/3 Swiss personnel.

In 1813 [then under English control] the Regiment de Meuron was dispatched to Lower Canada to help settle the "American Problem".
Antoine was a member of the regiment when it captured Plattsburg, NY in 1814 and received a grant of land in Lot 2 of the 2nd Range, Canton de Wickham when the regiment was disbanded in 1816.

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