Biographie Pelletier Lucien

Biographie Pelletier Lucien

Lucien Pelletier

Lucien Pelletier,56,30 Dracut street,died unexpectedly Wednesday at his home.

Mr. Pelletier was born in St-Rock.Canada (St-Rock-Des-Aulnaies compté de L'Islet , Québec.) Dec.14 1906.He had operated a barber shop at 254 South Broadway for the past 13  years. He was a member of Lawrence Concil,67,K.of Father O'Donnel Assembly,for degree,K. of C. and the Holy Name society of Sacred Heart parish.He was also a member of the Creater Lawrence Master Barbers Association and Local 235.Journeyman Barber's Association, and was a share holder in the Lasalle Social Club.

He leaves his wife Jeanne(Blanchet) Pelletier,two daughters,Pauline,wife of Donald Langlois and Miss Lucille Pelletier,both of Lawrence; three sisters,Adrienne wife of Roméo Lacombe,Madeleine ,wife of George Croteau and Anne-Marie wife of Robert Pomerleau,all of this city ; four brothers René,Léopold,Gerard and Real,all of Lawrence. The funeral will be hold to Saterday from the Arthur J.Scott funeral home,298 South Broadway with a solemn high Mass of requiem at 9 a.m. in Sacred Heart church.Burial will be in Sadrec Heart cemetery,Andover.

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