Biographie Lamothe Marguerite
Joseph Rosaire Thibaudeau married December 9, 1873, Marguerite La Mothe, daughter of Guillaume La Mothe, former Postmaster of Montreal, and his wife, Marguerite de Savoye. Marguerite Thibaudeau was born at Montreal, QuebecMarch 6, 1853 and educated in Montreal. She served as the President of the Notre Dame Hospital and was instrumental in raising over $50,000 for the institution. She volunteered with the National Council of Women, the Women's Historical Society, the Parks and Playgrounds Association of Montreal. She was a founder of the Ladies' Branch of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. The couple lived at 837 Lagauchettire Street, Montreal. The couple had two daughters, the eldest of whom is married to Aime, son of Hon. C. A. Geoffrion, K.C., P.C. Miss Juliette La Mothe, a sister of Madame Thibaudeau, was married, in January, 1888, to the Marquis Charles de Bouthillier-Chavigny.[2]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia