Biographie Wood Antoine

Biographie Wood Antoine

Plattsburg Sentinel, Friday morning, Aug. 20, 1907
Antoine Wood Sr.
Antoine Wood Sr. died very suddenly at his home in Mooers Forks Sunday morning, April 14. He had been in failing health for some months, but had been able to be about, and perform some labor most of the time, and had spent the day  previous from his death visiting friends. Heart failure was the reason of his death, which came as a shock to the whole community and especially to the members of his own family.
Mr. Wood was born in Perry's Mill in the town of Champlain, on Oct. 18, 1839 ; soon later he moved with his parents to Hemmingford P.Q. where he resided untill his marriage, Feb. 19, 1865, at Mooers Forks, to Miss Lena Forkey, of that place, where he has since resided.
He was a member of the R.C. church, and was a strong defender ot that faith. He was, at the time of his death, and for a good many years been one of the trustees of St. Anne's church at Mooers Forks. Mr. Woods was a man of sterling character, always advocating and defencing the right. He was a good citizen and neighbor, a kind and loving husband and father, and will be missed and mourned by a large circle of friends. He is survived by his wife and five children, Mrs. Euclid Fisher, Mrs.  Medrick Trombly, Antoine W. Wood, and Mrs. Albert Betters of Mooers Forks, and Mrs. John Betters of Nashua N.H. and an adopted daughter Minnie Wood of Mooers Forks, and also three brothers and three sisters.
The funeral, held Tuesday April 16, from the R.C. church, was the largest held from that church, which shows the high esteem and respect in which he was held by his neighbors and friends. Funeral service conducted by Rev. L. Cochard, assisted bu Rev. A. Parron of Altona, Rev. H. Valois of Champlain, and Rev. F.-X. Cahrbonneau of Tupper Lake, the sermon being preached by father Charbonneau who was for many years pastor of the church of Mooers Forks.
The beraeved family has the sympathy of the entire community.
Among the friends who have come from a distance to attend the funeral were Mrs. Alex Taggard fo Manchester N.H., and Mr. and Mrs. John Betters, and Miss. Clarissa Betters, of Nashua N.H., Mrs. M. Barbeau of Indian Orchard Mass, Mrs.  Alex Wood of Haverhill Mass., Exra Wood Sr. of Tupper Lake, NY, Ezra Wood Jr. of Norwood NY, Mr. Charles Baylake of Valleyfield P.Q., J.C. Wood, Ms. and Mrs. M. Couture and Mrs. W. Seguin, Rouses Point NY.
We wish to thank our many neighbors and friends for their kind aid and sympathy during the death of our beloved husband and father
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