Biographie Gibbons Marguerite-Geet

Biographie Gibbons Marguerite-Geet

Written by Catherine Theresa Tracey

Marguerite Gibbons embodied the true meaning of selflessness.  She spent her life in service of others.  Moving to Ottawa at the age of 16 she worked as a housekeeper for a prominent Ottawa family until joining the Federal Government during the Second World War.  Two of her sisters passed away leaving young children and Marguerite stepped up to ensure they were looked after, doing what she could to provide clothes, shoes and a helping hand.  She encouraged us to go to school, get jobs, work hard, be kind and to keep our moral compass pointed in the right direction.  She looked after her mother and step father, until his death in 1961.  She then moved her mother in with her and spent every day with her until her death at the age of 104.  Marguerite never complained, never asked for much, and always welcomed you with open arms and a cup of tea.

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