Généalogie Victoire Lepage

Arbre généalogique famille:  Lepage

Enfants célibataires, anonymes, selon registres ou recensements
(***** = Informations personnelles protégées par la loi)
ID:  144810
Louis Lepage
Naissance:  19 août 1801
Décès:  31 jan 1895
ID:  144811
Euphrosine Drapeau
Naissance:  21 fév 1807
Décès:  01 juil 1896
ID No: -1372749
Prénom: Victoire
Nom: Lepage
Sexe: F
Occupation: School Teacher
Naissance: 21 avril 1847
Paroisse/ville: St-Germain, Rimouski
Pays: Canada
Bapt./Source: FamilySearch
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
She was a teacher in Quebec for 17 years and then moved to Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta(at the time it was the N.W.T) in 1891 to join her brothers, Louis, Macaire and Charles. She obtained a teaching job and worked until her and her brother Louis moved to Edmonton in 1904. Between 1891-1895 she helped her brother Louis acquire a farm near Fort Saskatchewan and several other lots of land in Inglewood, a subdivision of Edmonton. She became sole owner upon his death in the fall of 1910. Neither had ever married. Information obtained from "The Western Reporter" Voyer vs Lepage, 1914.
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