Fiche personne principale |
ID No: |
1422255 |
Prénom: |
Charles |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
M |
Occupation: |
Farmer |
Naissance: |
1779 vers
Paroisse/ville: |
Pays: |
Décès: |
20 mars 1845 - âge: 66
Paroisse/ville: |
Québec, Anglican St.Peter |
Pays: |
Canada |
Inh./Source: |
Rg 22 March 1845, Charles Mauger, farmer, 67 years |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Charles Mauger of the Parish of St-Ambroise, District of Québec, Farmer, Bachelor aged forty-five years was married by licence to Julia Maufette of the same Parish, Spinster, aged thirty-five years this first day of February in thye Year of our Lord, one ...< plus >...
Mariage ou union de fait
Charles 46 ans & Julie 36 ans
01 février 1825
Québec, Cathedral Holy Trinity, Québec
conjoint(e) |
ID No: |
1422256 |
Prénom: |
Julie |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
F |
Occupation: |
Baptême: |
20 septembre 1788
Paroisse/ville: |
Registre des Hurons, Loretteville |
Pays: |
Canada |
Bapt./Source: |
Rg |
Décès: |
17 novembre 1873 - âge: 85
Paroisse/ville: |
Loretteville |
Pays: |
Canada |
Inh./Source: |
Rg S-75, 18 novembre 1873, Julie Moffet, veuve Charles Mauger, 85 ans |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Charles Mauger of the Parish of St-Ambroise, District of Québec, Farmer, Bachelor aged forty-five years was married by licence to Julia Maufette of the same Parish, Spinster, aged thirty-five years this first day of February in thye Year of our Lord, one ...< plus >...